Have You Professionally Advanced?

Have You Advanced Professionally?

It has been some time now since you have made your New Year’s Resolution, or perhaps you haven’t made one especially if you have concluded they don’t work for you. If you made one, how is it working for you? Have you advanced professionally?

Over the past several months many of my blogs have been relative to personal development. Some titles are: “You Are the Cup”, “Are You Ready When You Show Up?” and “Is Your Task List Efficient?” These blog posts are designed to help you in your self-examination and guide you on the road to personal and professional success.

It is an established fact that your Task List is closely associated to your Schedule, which in turn has to be in sync with your schedule in order to achieve your goals. Therefore, if you are not achieving your goals, chances are you don’t have a workable schedule.

If you push tasks you have not completed today on to tomorrow’s Task List, then your Task List is not effective. If this has been happening to you, then you have found that you are “spinning your wheels” and invariably will ultimately spin out of control.
With this being the case it is easy to see the correlation between advancing personally and advancing professionally. If you are failing personally, you will fail professionally.

So, how do you prevent professional failure? You need to start with the basics. Decide what you want to accomplish and work backwards. This may seem counter-productive, but if you have a goal (an end point) in sight, you will have a good idea of where to begin.

If you are facing a dilemma, I would like to show you how to make the process easy. At one point, I was just like you; having many unfinished tasks and not knowing how to extricate myself from the obstacles that constantly got in my way.

I developed a step-by-step solution to my problem and have shared it with many of my clients who have themselves advanced personally and professionally.

I would like to share that experience with you. Please take the first step and schedule an appointment with me for a paid 30–minute consultation/strategy session. Here’s the link:


I’m looking forward to working with you.

Do You Need Instant Gratification?

In your experience, have you found that most people adopt certain behaviors because of different circumstances or predispositions? One such predisposition is a lack of patience. Have you also found that some people will continue to pursue a futile way of doing things that do not produce any results because they don’t have the patience to see it through by taking another path? Some people refer to this as “insanity”.

In my practice as a coach I have been asked many times: “Florette, of all the various types of coaching, why on earth would you choose Personal Development? There is no gratification in that!” Au contraire! There certainly is!

It is true that in studying to be a coach one is exposed to different coaching genre. I had the choice of being a Life Coach, a Relationship Coach, a Health Coach, and even a Spiritual Coach. I’m certified for each of them. So why on earth did I choose Personal Development? I’ll tell you.

I chose this because it’s the one “calling” in which I relate to people and they relate to me. I remember a time in my life when I was never on time and nothing in my day was complete. I remember how being that way made me feel. I meet many potential clients who feel the same way. I also remember the “breakthrough” I had when something suddenly “snapped” and I finally “got it!” That was the biggest thrill for me! Something FINALLY made sense!

I can relate to that feeling in my clients. When they tell me “I can’t do this!” and I tell them “Yes you can! I’ll show you how!”, I also revel in their thrill when they finally “get it”! It’s one thing to be able to say as a coach that I’ve “been there and done that”; it’s quite another thing to recognize yourself as the “bridge” that connects where a person “was” in life to what they have achieved today.

Yes, some people do need instant gratification. They thrive on it. Instead of forcing my clients to wait until close to the end of my coaching program How to Master Your Life—One Step at a Time in order to achieve that sense of accomplishment, I build it into each of my eight modules.

If you can relate to any of the above, please book a 30-minute Discovery/strategy session with me. Please visit http://coachflo.co/your-questions-answered/. You will be able to schedule an appointment with me that is convenient to you. I’m looking forward to speaking with you and helping you to identify and overcome the obstacles preventing you from living your life by DESIGN. You will also get an idea of how to achieve instant gratification while learning to overcome these obstacles.

To your success!

Sculpt Your Life!

Hello, I’m Florette Anderson; my clients call me CoachFlo and I have a warning for you.  If you’re the kind of person who uses To Do Lists to organize your life, your productivity is getting a beat-down.

How would you like to wake up each morning knowing exactly how you are going to spend your day? If you had no feelings of guilt when you say “No” to someone who asks a favor of you, what would your day look like? If you are not experiencing this at this time, let me assure you that you CAN! You can “sculpt” your life and live by DESIGN and not by the default of awakening to a chaotic existence where your life and time are dictated by the whims of others.

That is what the blog and website is all about. You will find information here that will help you to achieve your goals and live the lifestyle you have always envisioned.  Have a question or comment?  Please visit http://coachflo.co/your-questions-answered/ if you have a specific challenge. You can schedule a paid 30-minute discovery strategy session with me.