Who is CoachFlo?

CoachFlo is a Certified Personal Development Coach who helps Entrepreneurs and Small Business owners increase their productivity and sharpen their leadership skills.

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Signature Program

See a description of her Signature program: "How to Master Your Life--One Step at a Time" to see its benefits for you.

See Course Description Here

Contact CoachFlo

Feel free to contact CoachFlo to schedule an appointment for a free 30-minute consultation. You'll be on your way to mastering your life.

Do it Now!

Do you remember the last trip you took? Do you remember how exciting it was? Close your eyes; take yourself back there…Do you remember the first thing you did? The planning took quite some time, but finally the day is here. You packed up the family car and you were ready to go.

However, there are a few things you need in preparation for the trip. It’s a long trip so you need to “chart your course”. You have to be sure that there is enough gas in the car, that there is enough money for food because quite likely you will be stopping along the way. Speaking of stopping along the way, you need to know where the rest stops are, especially traveling with children, so you make sure your GPS is functioning properly. Having paid attention to all these things, you are assured of having a good time…and in fact, you did! You would never think of starting a journey on the open road not knowing where you were going, or how to arrive at your destination.

The same principles are true with charting your course through life. And it starts with your day; whether or not you have "charted your course" for that day.

I can show you how to arrive at the "destination" of less stress. I can help you to avoid the "detours" along the way that will take you in the opposite direction of where in life you really want to be. For details, please go to the Contact page.