Take Back Your Bus!

This was on our local news not too long ago. The driver of a local bus route suddenly stopped and got off the bus. This had happened several times before, so his passengers thought nothing of it. They reasoned that it could have been for a bathroom break, in which case he would return soon.

When 15 minutes had passed and he didn’t return, one of the passengers got behind the wheel and proceeded to continue along the route so that he and the rest of the passengers could at least get where they needed to be. Long story short, it didn’t end well. There are consequences to your actions, no matter how well-intended.

This is often the case with entrepreneurs and small business owners. Somehow they lose sight of the journey and “check out” due to overwhelm. They can’t seem to get anything done; their task list is too long – too many items crammed into a day. Scheduling of OFF and organization is out the window.

Is that how YOU are feeling? If so, it’s time to take back your bus! You have lost control and you need to take it back.

In my signature course: “How to Master Your Life–One Step at a Time”, I guide you from a place of chaos and overwhelm to a place where you are in control, not only of your time, but also of your LIFE. You will find that your days are less stressful and you can finally BREATHE!

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