You Are the Cup!

Every so often someone asks the question: “Is your cup half full or half empty?” Have you asked that question or have you been asked that question?

I find myself asking the question especially when someone is a chronic complainer. Something ALWYS seems to be wrong; it’s too hot, it’s too cold, or somewhere in between.

The premise is that when the cup is half full the expectation of its becoming full is a positive one. When the cup is full, “everything will be alright”.

The opposing premise is that when the cup is half empty, something is lacking and even if it were to become full, the result would not necessarily be positive.

Is it possible to find a middle ground? What is the determining factor that makes the cup seem half full or half empty?

In my experience as a coach I have found that attitude is a huge factor in how this dilemma is perceived. Some think that if you look at the half-filled cup with a positive attitude the results of filling it will be positive. To them the same holds true for the half-empty cup. Both points of view have the same focus—they are focusing on the contents of the cop.

What if the focus were to shift?

What if the focus were on the CUP instead of its contents? What if the PERSON were the cup? What if YOU were the cup?

If you are the cup, the responsibility of the contents rests with you. YOU    determine what goes into the cup, not only how much, but the QUALITY of the contents.

When you are the cup you determine how much negativity you will tolerate, if any. You determine the QUALITY of your life, whether or not your productivity will get a beat-down, or if you will have a productive day. You determine the kind of association you need to surround yourself with so as to achieve your goals. So, in effect, you ARE the cup! If you allow someone else to fill your cup, you will be unfulfilled and possibly at times even angry. It is imperative that you take control of your cup. If you don’t, someone else will. Too often this is in fact the case

If at present you don’t think you are the cup, and would like to see yourself as the cup, I would like to work with you. You are already familiar with the problem of not “driving your own bus”. You have somehow lost direction and control and someone else seems to pulling the strings.  I solve that.

In my program Hos to Master Your Life—One Step at a Time I have mastered a technique of getting my clients back on track while making it fun to experience what it is like to be the cup and to put exactly what they want to put in it.

To book a strategy session with me at a time convenient to you, please visit I look forward to speaking with you.

To your success.
Florette (“CoachFlo”) Anderson


Florette (“CoachFlo”) Anderson is a certified Personal Development coach and an expert in Time Management and Organization. She is the Owner of  Florette’s latest coaching program is “How to Master Your Life—One Step at a Time”. Her objective is to help others to boost their productivity, take control of their lives and live the lifestyle they love. For further information about Florette and her program, please visit

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